Welcome to the Kimble family's site!

A site about the lives of Andy "Guido" Kimble and Erica (Fry) Kimble.  We hope you enjoy it.

Title Author Hits
The value of collecting tools and skills... Written by Guido Hits: 4416
Understanding winter footwear insulation levels Written by Guido Hits: 7924
Why a political system with only two major parties is so screwy. Written by Guido Hits: 6405
Training: Some of the best disaster preparation you can do. Written by Guido Hits: 5259
"Self rescue": The cultural helplessness that coined that term Written by Guido Hits: 5119
The modern M14 Written by Guido Hits: 6169
Firearms training schools Written by Guido Hits: 5946
The problem with disaster survival in urban areas. Written by Guido Hits: 5544
Why we need firearms education in elementary schools. Written by Guido Hits: 5218
Whale Wars: A dangerous and expensive way to make a point. Written by Guido Hits: 4687